Doll Cradle

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One lucky little girl got a doll cradle for Christmas a few years ago. There are lot of cradles out there but none will be a great as this one for this girl. Toys tend to get cycled through whether from loss of interest or being broken, but when something is homemade it has a little extra that keeps it around no matter what it goes through.

When they are homemade (especially by Mike) they tend to be able to deal with the rough and tumble of being a child’s toy because they are more sturdy. The person making them isn’t trying to cut corners on cost and quality because they’re not making thousands of them nor are they trying to make a profit.

An added bonus to this particular toy is that the designs of the head and footboards on this cradle were designed by Mike’s dad, who passed away when Mike was 7. Nothing makes a heirloom toy like a sturdy design that was done by your dad and has added elements from a grandfather that would have loved to meet you in this life.


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