Piano Light

Is it just me or does every piano light out there look the same? And when I say “me” I really mean Mike because I think we’ve established by now that I am a “work with what I got” kind of girl and Mike is a “if it can be better than I’ll make it myself” kind of guy. So when I mentioned I could use a piano light for when I once in a blue moon sit down and play the piano in our dimly lit front room, he turned his nose up at the old fashioned brass piano lights I’d thrown on to a list on a certain online store. This is what I got:

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Well not exactly like this because I think we’ve also established that it takes awhile for us to paint things. But once that happened, it looks like this now. He found the lanterns at a local craft store, cut out the bottoms and placed touch lights inside.

An improvement that is pending is changing the touch light to remote lights of similar size so that you don’t have to touch each light individually.

Anyway, when my decor is actually where it should be and not being used by mini hands that know better, it looks like this. Since I took the picture I realized my plant wasn’t centered and the picture is a little crooked. Figures. It bothers me but not enough to take a new picture. So…

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Here are some pictures of how it looks in a dark room. These were taken before some of the finishing touches so you can also see some of the earlier iterations as well as it’s effectiveness. And my failed attempts at decorating. You’ll notice the final product was became a bit shorter and stockier. It happens to many of us.

Next up on the to-do list: can lights for my ridiculously dim front room.


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