Hey again.

So as we are gathering up awesome things to share with you, I thought it would be good to fill you in on a little bit of Mike’s background.

First. He prefers to be called Michael now. I’m his wife and he was Mike when we met and I have seen him almost everyday since we got married so I will always call him Mike. I believe we should be flexible with change when it comes to our spouses, but asking me to call him something else is asking too much. Lucky for me, I think he recognizes this and has never asked me to change what I call him. But you are welcome to call him Michael. Or Mike. I don’t think he really cares all that much.


Second. And far more important than what you call him. He gets his thrills from prototyping and product development & design (He does accept contract work for projects of varying size so reach out it you have need). He has also dabbled in woodworking, sailing, car repair, sculpting, stone work, and a variety of other art mediums.

Three. He spent a good amount of time deciding on his major in college and not in the “changing his major every semester kind of way.” He is very much a person that thinks deeply and attacks an important decision methodically. So he had narrowed the list of options and then shadowed people in those fields, did research on what kind of education was needed and what those people ended up doing. He didn’t consider switching majors once he started because he knew he’d made the right choice. Confidence through information, people.

Four. He’s a problem solver. For certain types of things. He’s not going to fix your doomed relationship or major medical diagnosis. Sorry. But someone might say “I wish there was something out there that does this thing.” Mike says that but then makes it. Then he makes it better. Then someone comes to him with another problem and he can’t help himself but think of 10 ways to fix that problem. It gives him a thrill. The more challenging and the more restrictions the better.

It makes me tired just thinking about it, but that’s one of the reasons I don’t do what he does. And to be straight with you, sometimes I have to tell him not to fix things. We are not the world’s best communicators but we have found that I need to overtly say, “I just want to complain about this. I don’t actually need this fixed.” There’s some relationship advice, for ya.


Five. He loves his family. So much. So a good number of his projects revolve around his kids. And me. I’m lucky enough to make the list so there a good number of projects revolving around my hobbies too. Because of his family, you’ll be graced with projects involving gardening, kids project, home design, education, home organization among his other interests.

So I think I will leave it at 5 today. Hopefully that gives you a glimpse into who this guy is. You probably want to be his friend. I get it. I like him too.


Chocolate Tempering Machine

