
So I’ve known my husband for almost 16 years now. And I can’t remember a time when he didn’t have a “project.” I mean, I guess when we were dating in college I was his project. Sole focus. Eye on the Prize. But even then he was an out of the box thinker. What kind of a girl can resist a guy that makes a legit Christmas Story pink rabbit costume out of construction paper for a white elephant gift? Not this girl.

Anyway, I’ve told him for a long time that he needs to share these ideas with internet world but would you believe me if I told you he is too preoccupied with “projects” to settle down enough to learn how to build a website. Wife enters the scene. So does a worldwide pandemic, but let’s ignore that for now because I think we are ridiculously tired of hearing about it right now. Let’s focus on the loving wife. I’m going to try and post an awesome project of his regularly. And when I say regularly, be kind, we have a lot of kids and we’ve all seen an awful lot of each other lately. And to give you an idea, I’ve already been interrupted numerous times while writing this much to do things like find a very specific block, stop someone from breaking my blinds to kill a housefly, and had conversations about wasps, pet squirrels, and another one that made no sense at all. But I digress.

Mike does product design as a career but his projects go beyond just his day job. So I will be sharing his projects because he loves being creative and encouraging creativity in others. And I like his ideas. Most of them. Let’s be real. We can’t get it right all the time, right? Anyway, I will share the ideas I like and will even throw in some other things like prototyping skills, design skills, product development skills, and nunchuck skills (you saw that coming didn’t you?). So I kid on the nunchuck skills but the other stuff are things that he’s learned along the way that have helped him develop more sophisticated products and maybe you’ll find it useful.

These project are going to range from simple ideas for kids and around the house & garden, to furniture design, to more intricate designs sometimes using 3D printers and CNC machines. So join us on this new adventure. Hopefully you’ll find something interesting to you. And maybe, just maybe it’ll get your own creative juices flowing. If that happens we would love to see what you come up with!


Hey again.