Stroller Scooter

As parents we only want 2 things: Convenience and to be cool again. Okay, well maybe we want more than 2 things. Like uninterrupted sleep and children that potty train themselves. And maybe we don’t actually care about being cool again. Especially since we were never very cool even in our “glory days.” But this definitely has the convenience factor and the cool factor (whether you want it or not).

The first iteration of this project was with a Sit & Stand Stroller while we lived a very flat part of a city. I am sure we took some pictures but alas they have been lost to the digital world. Anyway, if you have interacted with a S&S stroller you know that it is essentially the limousine of strollers. Long and sometime awkward to take a corner but it can sure hold a lot of (small) humans. Easily 3, and sometimes depending on the size of kids and needs, 4 kids could be pushed on there at once. There was no mini fridge through so maybe a large passenger van is a better comparison.

Anyway, we put that stroller through the ringer and Mike eventually put some fancy bearings in the back wheels as well as this scooter attachment because why walk when you could ride? This was especially helpful with keeping up with the the older kids that were on their own razor scooters and would get too far ahead. [Convenience] And we couldn’t take it for a spin without some passerby make a “Hey that’s pretty neat!” comment. [Cool]

Fast forward a few years and we move to a different home closer to the mountains. We live on a hill. This isn’t your average hill. It’s the hill the local track team trains on. It’s painful to watch. There was no way I was going to push that S&S up that hill so we swapped it out for a jogging stroller (no I don’t jog especially after watching those miserable teenagers trudge past my house). Much lighter and improved maneuverability though not able to pile as many kids in it but that’s more than okay because the most of the kids are older now and I’m not pushing anybody I don’t have to up that hill. So the scooter attachment was switched to this stroller you see in the picture. Still convenient and extra cool when you break it out at the school’s skate night. Everything is cooler with black lights. Plus it meant I out-rollered every kid in that rink (except for the two year old I had in the stroller) and didn’t actually have to put any skates on.

If you would like to make one of these yourself here are some key points to make this project more successful:

Wheels. These were hijacked from old razor scooters for a smooth and durable ride. I might know a guy that went through a phase of buying old rusty razor scooters for a buck at yard sales just to steal the wheels. So they can be pretty cheap.

Good quality bearings in the stroller back wheels. A lot of pressure is applied to that part of the stroller because you attach to the back axle. Depending on the quality of your stroller you may want to look at replacing those. Or just try it out and if you are finding it is wearing out, know that they are usually not difficult to replace.

Quick attaching. I know how to use a tool but I’ll be honest, anything too complicated and I’ll peace out and leave it in an inconvenient spot for Mike to deal with because I’m nice like that. Plus when you’re out and about you want to able to easily pack it away when you need to go to walking mode. So how you choose to attach it to the stroller should be very secure but simple and quick. I would love to put a picture of what he used to clamp it on but I can’t find it because our kids are getting past the stroller stage and it hasn’t been used in a while. But if you really want to see his iteration, leave a comment and I will look harder.

On that note, one of the upgrades that he hadn’t gotten around to would be that it could just bend upwards and strap in so that you don’t have to detach it when getting it out of the way. How do you think you would do that?

Happy riding!


Compact Sailboat