Sled Boat


There is a water retention pit in our neighborhood for runoff water when it rains hard. It doesn’t happen often but when it does it creates a short term pond full of muddy, gross runoff water. The kids love it. We were driving by it one day and the kids saw a friend wading around in it and thought that was a swell idea. They begged Mike to take them down to play in it and he has a hard time saying no to these kinds of schemes. You guys, it was a balmy 50-something degrees outside and they wanted to throw on swimsuits and play in a gigantic puddle. Whatever. I was pregnant at the time so I played the “giardia would be bad for the baby” card and sat in the car taking pictures. Mike knew our then 2-year-old would want to be a part of the action but wouldn’t have the cold tolerance so he rigged up the little boat on the fly made of a snow sled and pool noodles. I’ll be honest, I was skeptical that it would float with much weight in it but being the loving, supportive wife that I am, I am sure I kept those thoughts to myself. Maybe. Either way, it worked. Really well. Despite the skeptic wife.


Our 7 year old was even able to take a ride (she’s not very cold tolerant either turns out). So this pool noodle sled boat can at least hold the average 7 year’s amount of weight. Whatever that is.


Indoor Playground


Stone Carved Pet Headstone